Smoking a premium cigar is an adventure, meant to be enjoyed from start to finish. Discover how to properly smoke a cigar.
When smoking a cigar, it all starts with making the right choice. That choice depends entirely on your personal taste. However, it is important that the colour of the wrapper is smooth and shiny.
New cigar smokers are advised to begin with a smaller, relatively mild cigar. For example a vitola, like a Mareva, which you’ll find with any brand. Seasoned smokers usually make their decision based on the time available. This is because a long filler cigar is made to increase in flavour while smoking. It would be a shame to put a cigar aside before it has had the chance to show its true nature. So make sure you have the time to smoke your cigar.
Have you made a decision? Gently squeeze the cigar between your thumb and your index finger to test its condition. While smoking, there are a number of criteria that should be considered:
Cut the cigar above the line where the cap and the wrapper meet. You need to make an opening that ensures a smooth draw. You don’t want to cut too high up as it may cause your cigar to unravel.
To light a cigar you need to take two things into account:
A long filler should be smoked slowly. Smoking too fast will overheat your cigar, which can spoil the flavour. Cigar smoke is also never inhaled. Let the smoke circulate in your mouth and act on your taste buds. Relax and enjoy the subtle flavours of the tobaccos in the blend. You can smoke a long filler for at least three quarters of its length.
It’s okay to relight your cigar in case it goes out, but remove any loose ash first. It’s absolutely not done, however, to tap your cigar nervously, like a cigarette.
When the sad moment comes to part with your cigar, don’t crush it. Lay it to rest in the ashtray where it can die with dignity.
We do not sell cigars, tobacco products and spirits to persons under 18 years of age.